<!ENTITY label.prefs.long "Sticky Google Preferences">
<!ENTITY prefs.desc "Selected preferences will be set automatically when you access Google. Unselected preferences can still be altered using google.com/preferences. Setting preferences will not work if you have disabled cookies in your browser.">
<!ENTITY prefs.interface "Interface Language">
<!ENTITY prefs.interface.desc "Display Google tips and messages in:">
<!ENTITY prefs.search "Search Language">
<!ENTITY prefs.search.any "Search for pages written in any language">
<!ENTITY prefs.search.selected "Search only for pages written in these language(s):">
<!ENTITY prefs.safe "SafeSearch">
<!ENTITY prefs.safe.strict "Use strict filtering (Filter both explicit text and explicit images)">
<!ENTITY misc-analytics "Don't send any cookies to Google Analytics">
<!ENTITY misc-analytics.desc "Google Analytics (also known as Urchin) is a service from Google that helps website owners analyze how users use their sites. Information about your use of a certain website (including your IP address) can automatically be transmitted to and stored by Google using cookies.">
<!ENTITY misc-anonymize.desc "Ekidin Googlek zutaz profil erabilgarri bat egitea. Honek ez du Google-ren kontua behar duten zerbitzuak, GMail adibiez, erabiltzea ezintzen. Zenbait zerbitzu eraginak izango dira. Adibidez Google Taldeetan 'Azkenez Bistaratutako' zerrenda hutsik egongo da.">
<!ENTITY label.filter.desc "Bilaketa emaitzetik iragazi nahi dituzun guneen zerrenda:">
<!ENTITY examples.4.desc "aurreratua: espresio erregilarren bidezko iragazkia">
<!ENTITY options-import "Inportatu">
<!ENTITY options-export "Esportatu">
<!ENTITY about.desc "OptimizeGoogle Googleren bilaketai beste informazio batzuek gehitzen (yahoo, MSN, etab. bilatzaileetara estekak adibidez) eta ikusi nahi ez dena kenduaz (iragarki-en antzerakoak) Firefox-en boteretsuago egiteko gehigarri bat da. Ezaugarri guztiak aukerakoak dira.">
<!ENTITY donate.short "OptimizeGoogle Lagundu">
<!ENTITY donate.long "PayPal bidez dohaintza egin laguntzeko. Milesker!">
<!ENTITY linktext.paypal "PayPal dohaitza">
<!ENTITY email.short "Galderarik?">
<!ENTITY okButtonlabel "Ados">
<!ENTITY cancelButtonlabel "Utzi">
<!ENTITY label.video "Video">
<!ENTITY label.video.long "Google Video Search">
<!ENTITY web-add-video-links "In video results, add links to other video search sites">
<!ENTITY web-autopager "Stream search result pages">
<!ENTITY images-autopager "Stream search result pages">
<!ENTITY label.reader "Reader">
<!ENTITY label.reader.long "Google Reader">
<!ENTITY reader-secure "Secure (switch to https)">
<!ENTITY label.history "History">
<!ENTITY label.history.long "Google Web History">
<!ENTITY history-secure "Secure (switch to https)">
<!ENTITY web-favicons "Show favicons for web pages">
<!ENTITY label.cache "Cache">
<!ENTITY label.cache.long "Google Cache">
<!ENTITY cache-continue "Rewrite links to point to Google's cache">
<!ENTITY label.blogs "Blogs">
<!ENTITY label.blogs.long "Google Blog Search">
<!ENTITY blogs-add-blog-links "Add links to other blog search sites">